The End of the World 1 APK
Sean Wenham
Letzte Version:
Datum der Veröffentlichung:
Sep 15 2018
The End of the World
The End of the World is a side-scrolling exploration game. Set in Newcastle, England, you play a lonely man in a world that ended when he lost his love. By living day by day and in the past you unravel the circumstances that led to the end of the world, and maybe a way to move on. Essentially this is a break up game.
Completion time: 15-20 mins.
Holen Sie es auf:
2.3.3oder höher+
The End of the World APK-Versionshistorie
- The End of the World 1 for Android 2.3.3oder höher APK Herunterladen
Version : 1 for Android 2.3.3oder höher
Aktualisierung zu : 2016-05-30
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